Why Night Photos Are A MUST For Your Wedding Day!

Hunter Valley Wedding Photographer Night Photo

Let me set the scene for you; after a long day of walking, hugging, “I do’s” and catching up with guests, you’re FINALLY on the dance floor. The music is pumping, the guests are partying, the drinks are flowing, when all of a sudden your Wedding Photographer wants to pull you away from it all for more photos. Now, whilst your desired immediate reaction may be to shoe away your vendor and get back to the action, trust me when I say you DO NOT want to miss out on this opportunity.

Wedding Flash Photography

What’s the difference? 

Aside from the obvious, the change in lighting opens up an entirely new world to explore with plenty of exciting ways to make use of the new setting. Personally, I like to setup a couple of  powerful, carefully placed  remote camera flashes and fire away like it’s the 1st of January. By experimenting with flash locations and power, you can pull off some totally unique images that simply would not be possible any other way.








What can the Bride and Groom do for the best results?
Whilst your photographer shares largely in the responsibility when it comes to posing, there are some things to keep in mind that will ensure you get the absolute BEST results possible and make braving the night completely worth your time!

First off the bat; it’s time to leave the wedding party behind. 
Whilst this may seem like a cardinal sin, it is unfortunately a part of getting the best possible night photos.
In order to get that magical white outline around the Bride and Groom, a couple of things need to be done a certain way.
You’ll want to bring your newlywed significant other in nice and tight, making sure there is no room whatsoever between you both.
Even the slightest gap will cause the flash to fire straight down the lens of the photographers camera causing a total loss of photo. In doing this, you will also be giving the flash enough space to shoot around you both to illuminate your foreground, hence needing to leave the wedding party behind.

Secondly, keep as still as possible and breathe slowly.
When it comes to using a camera in the dark, the photographer has a lot less tools at their disposal to ensure a clean crisp photo. This typically means that the camera is going to be far more sensitive to motion blur than normal, and runs the risk of blurry photos.
Practicing those yoga skills and breathing slowly will absolutely help with this and, in colder weather, will prevent any paranormal activity style photos when the flash lights up that cold breath.


Hunter Valley Wedding Photo Night

It’s Raining, Does That Mean It’s Off? 
Absolutely. Freaking. NOT.
Whilst standing out in the rain may not be exactly how you saw your Wedding evening going, night photos look ESPECIALLY amazing in the rain. To try and explain it, it’s like the heavens have opened up and the stars are falling down. I guarantee you, this photo will be one that one that you are left completely speechless by for years to come.

Wedding Photo In The Rain


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